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Classmate - Kimi Kimi Kimi (君 君 君)

Ost Information

Title Kimi Kimi Kimi (君 君 君)
Artist Classmate (クラスメート)
Anime Gin no Guardian 2nd Season
OST Ending
Format Mp3
Bitrate 320 Kbps

Download OST Anime Gin no Guardian 2nd Season Ending Full Version


Lyrics Kanji

君の声 姿 どんな仕草も
もっと 話してみなくちゃ
分かり合えない なんて日も沢山あったよね

大人になっていくほど 余裕なんてなくて
傷つけ合って それでも

笑って 笑って
毎日だけどさ 悪くない
優しく 強くなっていくよ

同じ歩幅で 並んで歩いた
あの頃は いつも 一緒だったよね
君と 離れて初めて 気づいたけど
知らない間に ずっと 支えられてた

遠回りして 迷って 疲れちゃっても
君を思えば いつでも

笑って 笑って
毎日だけどさ 悪くない
優しく 強くなっていくよ


いちばん いちばん 大切な君へ
とどいて とどいて 欲しくて歌うよ
優しく 強くなっているよ

Lyrics Romanji

genki ni shiteru? omoidashiteta yo
kimi no koe sugata donna shigusa mo
motto hanashite minakucha
wakariaenai nante hi mo takusan atta yo ne

otona ni natte yuku hodo yoyuu nante nakute
kizutsukeatte soredemo mata aitaku narun da yo

atarimae datta nichijou ga marude
kiseki mitai ni kirakira kagayaiteru
ano mado kara mieteta keshiki wa
ima mo mada mieru no ka na

waratte waratte
toki ni nakitaku mo naru you na mainichi
dakedo sa warukunai
sonna ima o sugoshi nagara yasashiku tsuyoku natteku yo

atarimae datta nichijou ga marude
kiseki mitai ni kirakira kagayaiteru
kimi to sugoshita hibi o
kono saki mo zutto wasurenai yo

ichiban ichiban
taisetsu na kimi e todoite todoite
hoshikute utau yo
kondo aeru toki wa kitto yasashiku tsuyoku natteru yo

Lyrics English

Are you doing ok? I remembered it.
Your voices As with any kind of gestures
I have to talk more
There were lots of days that we could not understand each other

I do not have enough time to become an adult
Scratching but still so
I want to see you again.

Everyday life was natural
It shines like a miracle glittering
I could see it from that window
I wonder if the scenery is still visible yet
Laugh and laugh
Sometimes I want to cry
Although it is everyday, not bad
While spending such a time
It gently becomes stronger

I walked side by side with the same stride
In those days it was always the same
I noticed it apart from you for the first time
I was supported all the while I was not aware.

Even if I get tired after getting astray
Whenever you think of you
I feel I can do my best.

Everyday life was natural
It shines like a miracle glittering
I could see it from that window
I wonder if the scenery is still visible yet
Laugh and laugh
Sometimes I want to cry
Although it is everyday, not bad
While spending such a time
It gently becomes stronger

The sky I looked up was connected.
I'm sure to go pick you up.

Everyday life was natural
It shines like a miracle glittering
Days I spent with you
I will never forget you forever
To the most important you
I want to follow and I will sing it
Next time I will see you
It's gentle and strong

Kimi Kimi Kimi (君 君 君) By Classmate (クラスメート)
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