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Enigma – Modern Crusaders (Single) [MP3/320K]

Title: Modern Crusaders
Artist : Enigma
Anime: JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Ougon no Kaze
Theme Song: Ending #2
Format: Mp3
Bitrate: 320 Kbps
Release: Jan 13, 2000

Lyrics Original

Don't look back
The time has come
All the pain turns into love

We're not submissive, we're not aggressive
But they think we can't defend

Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive
We have the power to face the future
Cause we are the fighters
Just fighting for our rights

They're accusing, like always without knowing
What is just fiction or what is the truth
They have no mission, they have no passion
But they dare to tell us what's bad and what's good!

Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive
We have the power who'll face the future
Cause we are the fighters
Just fighting for our fights

Est affectus
Et defectus
Semper in angaria.
(drive on
And weighted down,
Always enslaved.)

Quod per sortem
Sternit fortem,
Mecum omnes plangite!
(since Fate
Strikes down the strong man,
Everyone weep with me!)

Nunc obdurat
Et tunc curat
Ludo mentis aciem,
(first oppresses
And then soothes
As fancy takes it;

Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive
We have the power who'll face the future
Cause we are the fighters
Just fighting for our fights

Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive!

Modern Crusaders By Enigma
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